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Living in Jerusalem 
during a time of the lockdown
Hi, I am your brother. I am an Israeli and I would like to give some insights into life in Israel during the time of this epidemic.
Like many places around the world, daily routines in Israel are under going massive changes. The most recent changes are that all Israelis,whether Jewish, Christian, Muslim or anyone else should only leave the house when going to buy groceries.
This week I was reminded by a portion in the ministry about our need to remain in Christ and how much it can relate to our new restriction of remaining in our homes. Our remaining in Christ allows Him to be able to doall the work that He needs to in order to get what He is after. In the example of the oyster (Christ) and the grain of sand (us as the believers), we started off as just grains of sand, something that is not treasured, but slowly by remaining in Christ He has a way to make us His personal treasure. This happens by a slow day by day secretion of Himself so that layer by layer we are coated with His essence. At the same time, we are kept from all the germs and negative attacks outside of the oyster. Here in Israel and I’m sure in many places around the earth we have to stay indoors in order to avoid the virus that is prevailing over the earth today. What a wonderful provision this is for us and many of the believers here in Israel to learn to live Christ in such a restricted environment.
With the saints being limited in their movement in order to safeguard them we have been forced to move to online meetings. Although at first, it took some time to adapt, the feeling is that we are becoming more joined and knit in the supply of the Body. Even providing for more opportunities for the saints to share Christ for the building up of the Church.
I, myself, realize this is a wonderful opportunity to get more into the Word and in the ministry so I have found the need to schedule my week so that the time is used most productively. Each day it has been good in the morning and in the evening to just consecrate all that is going to happenand all that has happened. This means that even if I feel the day was not as productive as I had hoped, the Lord is still very much in every activity.Throughout the week I have assigned reading times with brothers nearby and as far as brothers in Zurich(SUI), London(UK), Wellington(NZ) and San Diego (USA).What an opportunity to connect with believers from all around the earth!
This is helped by the starvation of the outward distractions. Restaurants, cafés, malls, local shops, cinemas, national parks, archaeological sites, and tourist attractions have all been shut for the foreseeable future, as workplaces, schools mostly have been turned to be online. Given all the extra time it can be easy to watch the hours go to waste, so it was important for me to seek the Lord so that a good balance of studies/worksand pursuit of the Word and the ministry are achievable.
My walk on the streets of Jerusalem shows limited signs of life in local supermarkets, pharmaceutical stores and residential parks (only residents who live within 100 meters of the park). In such a limited situation isn’t it amazing our Christ is unlimited and all-inclusive! Even with this lockdown and the threat that many are panic buying, the supermarkets are doing a great job of restocking faster than the shoppers and it seems there is no shortage of food or toilet paper as one might have first thought. As we come to Christ as the rich supply for our needs, He is always available, and the supply is endless.
The Lord had the highest humanity, and as I allow Him the way in my being, this can be expressed in the every day little moments in life.The difficult times in Israel are putting things into perspective, leading many to be kinder, calmer and more generous with one another on the road, at the stores and in the little real-life interactions that still take place. What an opportunity for the people of the good land to see the highest humanity lived out among the saints here. It can even help bring out a side of Israelis that we always knew was there but needed a situation like this to really show that there is warmth, love, and care for everyone to give.
Social media now is being used to help those unwell or stuck at home and in need of a helping hand to collect shopping or provide the social interaction that we all need and crave to save us from becoming continual hermits. Messages through these platforms have been heart warming, full of encouragement and hope and may provide a way for the gospel to be lived out. Really only the Lord can attract His seeking ones in this age.
The brothers and sisters here are taking it upon themselvesto stay connected. These include local corporate calls for fellowship, prayer, and coordination. It seems that despite not seeing your usual circle of friends, brothers, and sisters, the push to technology for us to be in online interaction has made the internet much more real rather than a façade in which we wouldn’t know each one’s situation on a more personal level.
Being a believer living in Jerusalem at a time of lockdown I do feel the Lord is giving me and each one of us the opportunity to learn to live Christ. In the midst of a restricted environment, I am realising more and more that the greatest miracle in the universe is not the curing of this virus but it is that we Christians, who were nothing but flesh and dirty, after believing in the Lord, receiving the dispensing of the Triune God, and remaining in the Church life allow for a change within our being. This opportunity in time for me to live no longer like how I was before but to go on and learn to live Christ. This is the miracle that I am reminded of each day, Amen.

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